Many thanks to those generous members of the medical community and fellow parishioners who work among the sick and ailing. A Corporal Work of Mercy is to visit the sick. Surely professionally ministering to others is of special merit of Blessings from the Lord. You use your talents with hard work and disciplined development over many years of study and training. Thank you from the Friars in parituclar.
Also, the priests here would like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Kazmi of Westcliff Family Dentistry on Granbury Rd. A registered and active member of St. Andrew Parish, Dr. Kazmi has generously donated boxes of masks and gloves for the priests and Parish Staff to use when appropriate in our interactions with our faithful People of God who come onto this Parish and School campus for many ministries and meetings, even over this extended semi-shut down of all things public. Dr. Kazmi has also generously supported us and I want to thank him in these forums and also all of us who come together in Faith to practice our wonderful Catholic Faith and pray for those who are in a particularly suffering stance in these very strange and challenging times. God bless us all and from the Friars here, be assured of our love and continued longing for a quicker return to the every day assembling to worship and intercede for the needs of the whole world. Many others have provided masks and hand delivered them to our Offices. Such thoughtfulness! Again, THANK YOU! God be praised: He has Risen: Alleluia!