Please watch this brief video from Joe Taylor, the chairman of Saint Andrew Catholic Church Finance Council, as he explains what the Finance Council does, what we are undertaking with the Second Spring Capital Campaign and some information on End of Year Giving and some of the proposed new tax laws and their effects.
Pope St. John Paul II had it. St. Teresa of Kolkata had it. A peaceful presence that saturated those with whom they came in contact. Journey with Fr. Jacques Philippe on this “Peace in His Presence” Virtual Retreat as he leads us towards cultivating that same peaceful nature which the saints drew from the Lord. Five video conferences will be supplemented by Zoom small group opportunities with the Carmelite Sisters throughout the weekend.
Please pray for the faithful departed throughout the month of November, and especially on, November 2nd. The Church gives us ample opportunities today to help those suffering in Purgatory. All the baptized faithful in the state of grace can seek to obtain a plenary indulgence for a soul in Purgatory. We would certainly want people to help us through their prayers if we go to Purgatory. And if we help get someone to Heaven, you can be sure that they will help us and pray for us before the Throne of God. Click and read the article for more details.
On Saturday at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut, Father Michael J. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, was declared “blessed” by the Church, he is on the road to sainthood. Many local members from Knights of Columbus viewed the mass as it was live-streamed into our Church. During the beatification Mass, Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey — Pope Francis’ representative for the liturgy — read aloud an apostolic letter in Latin from the pope stating that the 19th-century parish priest, “whose zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel and generous concern for the needs of his brothers and sisters made him an outstanding witness of Christian solidarity and fraternal assistance,” will be celebrated on Aug. 13. “He worked to keep families united in dignity and security,” Cardinal Tobin later said during his homily, in which he described Blessed Michael McGivney as an apostle who cared for victims of an epidemic that would eventually claim his own life just two days after his 38th birthday. Said Cardinal Tobin, “130 years after his death, the brief life of this holy man speaks eloquently to our own path of holiness.” Father McGivney is the third U.S.-born priest to be beatified, after Blesseds Stanley Rother and Solanus Casey, both of whom were beatified in 2017. During the Mass, Carl Anderson, the supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, spoke on Father McGivney’s legacy. “To this day, Father McGivney’s holiness of life and exemplary service continue to inspire priests across America and around the world, and his vision for an active and engaged laity serves as a witness to the power of spiritual brotherhood and charity.”