A word from Fr. John Shanahan: With the recent close of the Saint Andrew Food Pantry, we are no longer accepting donations of food or money for the Food Pantry. We appreciate the years of generosity of our parishioners with their time, treasure and talent in caring for those less fortunate. ( Click the heading for additional information)
In this time of isolation, our 12:30 and 5 Choirs both wanted to do a “virtual choir” video where everyone sings their part at home and then they are all put together as they are at Mass. Both choirs chose the same song, “Great Are You Lord,” so we combined both choirs in one video. Their singing was inspired and they found it an awesome experience to see & hear everyone praising God together. Click to watch the video on YouTube.
Please join Fr. Jim and Fr. John as they livestream our May Crowing Prayer Service at 10:00AM on Friday, May 1st.. A rosary will be led by Deacon Kevin Bagley and our Interim School Principal Melissa Kasmeier. We invite all parishioners who have statues or artwork of Mary in their home to place flowers before her statue as we begin this Month of Mary.
For those who need to take the new VIRTUS training, the Diocese will be offering some sessions using the ZOOM meeting platform. Read the article for more details.