Come to a picnic! This Saturday, July 3 the men of our Knights of Columbus Council and alumni of Christ Renews His Parish invite you to a “getting back to normal” gathering in the area across from the Church and School from 10am – 1pm. Burgers and Dogs will be provided – you bring your sides and drinks.
Special thanks to the whole Community here for the gracious display of affection and honor to the Holy Eucharist on the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (also known as Corpus Christi Sunday). Our Deacon Kevin Bagley worked very hard for weeks in preparing the Procession with the Blessed Sacrament around the front of our Church and School property. Thanks to the Fort Worth Diocesan Seminarians who came to serve as well as many young men who led us and served in so many helpful capacities. Thanks to the Knights and Dames of the Holy Sepulcher for coming in those magnificent robes displaying the Cross of the Holy Land! Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for their witness and assistance in coordinating and ready-and-willing attitudes of service and directing our attending Catholic folks from our Parish and other surrounding parishes. Thanks to the CRHP men and women of our Parish too! The members of many of our Organizations came to help, to Adore, and pray to the Father through the Eucharistic Christ on this special Feast day honoring His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity Sacred Presence among us! Thanks to all the Servers who arrived after a long hiatus due to COVID, and took up serving lovingly where we’d last left off with Altar Server Ministries. How moving to see the young members of the Boy Scout Community who helped in that hot sun directing traffic and keeping the Procession safe and mobile. I was very touched to see these young people kneeling on sidewalks and asphalt reverencing the Blessed Sacrament as we passed by their assigned stations. Public displays of respect and adoration so please the Good God! And of course, such public processions atone for any disrespect or lack of focused attentiveness to His Sacred Presence. The music was glorious, along with the Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, led by Christina Alves who always masterfully opens her treasure of musical talents regularly here, giving GLORY TO GOD! Our Singing Cantors joined in leading us in song and prayer. How BLESSED we are here at St. Andrew Catholic Church and School! To the Friars, my brothers, I am always grateful for such loving willingness to always avail themselves to the needs of our Parish and School. Their continued love of our Lord and His Church edifies us all. Thanks be to God! It is HOPED we are able to have Corpus Christi Sunday Eucharistic processions as an ANNUAL event. The weather cooperated today in that umbrellas were not needed. However, had the sun been much brighter, they would have served as protection from Brother Sun. Thanks to all who came and thanks to those who made the STREAMING possible. Happy Feast and Blessed June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sincerely+ Fr. Jim Gigliotti, TOR Pastor