Fort Worth, Texas
It’s Jan. 1 and the world has turned to a new calendar page. We Catholics began a New Year a few weeks ago with the First Sunday of Advent, as we prepared for the Second coming of Christ and our reception of the infant Jesus coming (again) into our world to refresh and renew us.
What will 2022 bring? Only the good Lord knows! We have been through so much I do hope the new calendar year brings us much happiness and joy.
A New Year and a new beginning. What shall you do? Exercise more? Eat better? Try to declutter and get organized? A New Year is, I think, a lot like Lent when we give something up or try to improve in some way. What will you work on as the calendar page turns?
Here’s a New Year’s resolution suggestion… PRAYER. Maybe you pray some, maybe not much, or maybe all the time! I once heard, “Pray with the same intensity and thankfulness as if your prayer were already answered!” Imagine being able to pray like that.
Prayer is communication with God, a chat, a request for something, saying thanks for a blessing received, or just seeking guidance or inspiration. Think of how you chat with friends and loved ones. How do they compare with your conversation with God?
If you are a prayer warrior, you likely have many prayer routines or favorite prayers. Stick with what you know – or be adventurous and try a different novena, or a new prayer.
If you fall a bit short and try to chat with God - to pray - here are a few suggestions….
Want to really step up your prayers? The Liturgy of the Hours is the Church’s second prayer (the first being the Mass). The clergy are obligated to pray from the Liturgy of the Hours a few times a day. When together we pray a certain way with different parts delegated to certain people. While the process can be a bit daunting, and the books can be a little confusing… I strongly suggest the app called iBreviary. Just select the time of day you wish to pray and begin! It takes about 15 minutes for morning or evening prayer (daytime and night prayer are shorter). There is also an Office of Readings that are select readings from the Saints and Scripture that are inspirational and very informative