“You will practice charity better by preserving yourself to serve your neighbor for a long time than by wearing yourself out in a short time over the salvation of a few.”
– St. Vincent de Paul
“By drawing closer to the poor, we draw closer to God. And we students must draw closer to God a little more every day, or we’ll find ourselves falling away from him.”– Founder Blessed Frédéric Ozanam
“God has already touched your heart, or you would not be giving up your precious free day to serve the poor. And, because you see Christ in his poor, I know you will approach each one you visit with humility as His servant. Always remember, that if we had been through the hardships they have had to meet— if our childhood had been one of constant want — perhaps, we too, would have given away to envy and hatred, as I must admit have many of the poor in this quarter.” – Blessed Rosalie Rendu